Ireland is absolutely, breathtakingly, indescribably beautiful.
The most magical moment of the trip was seeing a rainbow on
one of the trains. It was such a
blessing to be in Ireland, and be reminded of God’s promise and the beauty of
small miracles.

We stayed in a lovely little hostel (pictured below) off on a country road (pictured to the right) right outside a tiny town that was about an hour bus ride from Galway on the
west coast of Ireland. It was a lovely
change of pace, difficult for transportation, but completely worth it. One of the highlights of the weekend was
going out and about in that small town, meeting some of the locals and talking
with them. The Irish folk are so
friendly, loud, welcoming, fun, and love their Guinness in their pubs. It was a fun culture to witness and be
welcomed into for the weekend.
Molly and I spent a lovely day in Dublin wandering the
streets and experiencing Irish city life.

We went to the exhibit to see the Book of Kells (basically
an incredibly old, treasured manuscript of the gospels that survived all these
years) and a beautiful old library in Trinity College full of ancient
books. Here’s an expert from my journal
about that experience:
“The library was beautiful
and it’s so neat that it can actually be used and people check out the
books to actually read them! (under
strict supervision)… seeing the imagery and symbolism of the drawings in the
book of Kells [was my favorite part]. I
wish we still put that much thought and value into our copies of the
gospels. It’s so beautiful how much work
was put into literally spreading God’s word back then.”
I really cannot explain all the images and imagery and how
powerful it was to witness art that reflects different aspects of God in a
super old copy of Jesus’s life story, but all I can say is that it was an
incredible experience and everyone should go see it for themselves.

We saw the outside of the famous Guinness factory…but as I think I say pretty decently in my journal,
“Guinness Store House: Walked in.
Molly and I decided we didn’t care enough. Walked out.”
We enjoyed delicious apples at a little market we randomly
came across in some back streets for local farmers full of cute old Irish folk.
We enjoyed the beauty of St. Patrick’s Cathedral where we
made some friends from Singapore and walked around the park outside, taking in
the beauty and weather and atmosphere of the lovely place of God.

We stopped briefly at the most adorable mall I have ever
been in called “Stephan Green’s” and looked around a little, before having a
delicious lunch at a huge Irish café, which included a mint which mocha, one of
the most delicious coffees I have had.
We concluded our day in Dublin with some time at a piano
music store, where Molly played and I sat and enjoyed listening. It was a wonderfully peaceful and completely

Dublin was lovely and a ton of fun, but the highlight of the
trip was probably our day spent on a bus
tour of Irish countryside to see the
Cliffs of Mohar. Here’s an expert from
my journal about the day:
“Taking the bus
through such beauty in and of itself was completely…. Breathtaking. Made me want to spend time just walking
around the beauty of Ireland and exploring the small mountain towns and
beaches. It was surreal…
I was reading
Leviticus, and seeing beautiful lambs as I was reading about how they had to be
slain for a sacrifice really put the weight of sin and the destruction it
causes into perspective."

We stopped at a small farm, which was absolutely splendid
because we got to walk through the beautiful land and climb a little stony
mountain for an amazing view and learn about typical life in the countryside of
Ireland, right in the middle of the authentic Irish world: we were right
outside a village with a grand total of two stores and nine pubs!

The Cliffs of Mohar were breathtaking. The water was sparkling, beautiful, and
tempting. The cliffs were far more
amazing and huge than they look in any picture.
Everyone needs to see these for themselves. The waves crashing against the rocks far
below you and the wonder and awe of how this kind of land structure happens is
an unreal experience. It was an amazing
sight. I really can’t explain it, and
the pictures do not do it justice.
We made a few other stops on our tour, including a tiny
adorable, typical Irish countryside town for lunch (where I had an amazing
chocolate dessert bar thing); a beautiful, old castle (which we drove by many
of, they are literally scattered all around Ireland randomly); and the rocky
shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean.
“It was neat to see
the Atlantic Ocean and know that at the other end of the vastness lies my
home. This is the same ocean that I’ve
swam in from Florida before.”

Our trip ended on St. Patrick’ Day, which we spent in Dublin. On train on the way there that morning, Molly
and I sat by two 16 year old girls who live in the countryside of Ireland. We spent a good hour and a half talking with
them and learning all about growing up in the Irish countryside! It was such a good way to get to understand
the culture and lifestyle, and it was fun to get to know the girls.

Our time in Dublin was all about watching the parade, and
watching the people who were watching the parade. Boy, was it insane. The streets were completely filled with
people, Irish and tourists alike, mostly drinking, but plenty not, and everyone
excited. The parade was huge. There were a ton of American college and high
school marching bands, which I

first thought was weird, but then I remembered
that every single little town, city, or tiny neighborhood in the countryside in
Ireland has their own parade today, so all of Ireland’s marching bands are
spread out across the country preforming, so they must need people from outside
Ireland to have in the huge main Dublin parade.
My favorite part was the random floats with beautiful, extravagant
costumes and dancers all around. Molly,
Ellen, and I took turns climbing up onto a poll in the ground to see the parade
over the crowds because it was impossible otherwise.
It started raining as soon as the parade ended, which was
perfect for the parade, but not perfect for our walk back to the train station
to get to the airport to head back to Maastricht. Long story short, after a late flight forcing
us to miss the last train back to Maastricht, Molly and I had to spend the
night in the Brussels Airport, which was definitely an experience that could
have been a lot worse because we had access to a nice, clean, free bathroom and
we were in a heated, safe place. We made
it home early Monday morning.
Despite a less than pleasant ending, the trip was amazing. I absolutely love Ireland and am so glad I
got to spend St. Patrick’s Day there!
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